Abacre Inventory Management And Control

Abacre Inventory Management and Control merupakan kegiatan yang berfungsi sebagai management dan mengelola banyak sekali jenis barang yang meliputi semua operasi mulai dari pengambilan pesanan, penagihan, pembelian, dan persediaan administrasi tenaga kerja. Tampilan pengguna di optimalkan dengan kecepatan tinggi dalam meng-input data order client.

Program ini mendukung metode perhitungan persediaan barang yang paling umum adalah LIFO, FIFO dan rata-rata serta bisa bekerja dengan semua Hardware yang umum dipakai seperti: monitor layar sentuh, POS printer, cash drawer, dan barcode scanner.

Layout tagihan pada client sanggup disesuaikan, dan kegiatan ini juga mendukung beberapa nilai mata uang, pajak, dan format nomor. Sistem pembayaran sanggup diterima dengan uang tunai, kartu kredit maupun cek.
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Abacre Inventory Management and Control is a new generation of inventory software for Windows. It covers all operations from taking orders, billing, purchasing, and inventory to labour management. The user interface is carefully optimized for high speed input of a client's order and prevention of common mistakes. It's designed for using on multiple computers, and contains reliable and secure authorization levels.
It supports most common inventory calculation methods: LIFO, FIFO and average. Sales items may include different inventory items as components.

It works with all commonly used hardware: touch screens, POS printers, line displays (poles), cash drawers and barcode readers (barcode scanners). The layouts of the client bill can be customized, and the kegiatan can be set up for any currencies, taxes, and number formats. Payments can be accepted by cash, credit cards, or checks.

For managers, there is a rich set of reports that shows a complete picture of inventory and sales operations: on hand inventory, profit margins, sales by given period, hours of high load, Z-Out, the most active employees, payment methods, and automatic tax calculations.

By standardizing the entire inventory management and control process, the software makes better use of your employees' time and energy radically improving your turnover and profit margins.
It's easy to install and easy to use. Very affordable licensing allows this software to be used in any environment from small single computer retail shops to large retail chains with multiple checkout lanes.


Windows 2003 | 2008 | XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 10
All version 32 - 64 Bit

Size : 8 MB

Ponsel : 0821-6858-9666 Hotline
Email : arthu_mewu@yahoo.com.my

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