Netop School 6.12

Sebuah software edukasi yang cukup powerful untuk monitoring Lab computer yang ada di forum pendidikan menyerupai SLTP, SLTA maupun tingkat universitas.
Software ini berfungsi untuk memantau aneka macam acara murid sewaktu memakai computer pada Lab computer, dan memudahkan para guru dan murid untuk sanggup saling ber-interaksi secara sepihak maupun keseluruhannya. Guru sanggup memonitor serta saling berkomunikasi melalui media chat secara online.

Netop is the next generation classroom management solution that replaces Netop School. Netop School is being integrated with the Netop vision product line under the new brand, vision pro, to create a family of compatible products.

Netop has offered two different classroom management solutions over the last years. Standardizing on a common platform provides a number of benefits, including :

01. Improved time to market for release of new versions.
02. A decreased learning curve for educators when moving between offerings.
03. Support for student web enabled devices like iPads, androids, chromebooks, Macs and PCs.
04. Improved customer service and support by reducing the number of platforms requiring support.
05. Lower cost of ownership for customers. Allows educators to choose the solution that meets their requirements while IT need only support, install & maintain one platform.
06. A multi tiered offering that allows educators to purchase the solution that most closely suits your needs, while providing the opportunity to easily move up or down as those needs change.


Windows XP | Vista | 7
All version 32 - 64 Bit
RAM : 1 GB (32-bit) | 2 GB (64-bit)
Processor : 1 GHz or better
Hard Disk : 200 MB free space
Display : Any 100% VGA compatible graphics adapter supported by Windows


01. Wireless Network 802.11b; 802.11g recommended.
02. No filtering of multicast (IGMP) or broadcast UDP or TCP packets.
03. Wired Network 10 Mbps full duplex; 100 Mbps or higher recommended.
04. Vision traffic must not pass through more than four Internet working devices (four hops) that are 10 Mbps or higher.

Size : 55 MB

Password :!Netop

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