Jeroboam 7.30

Sepertinya software yang satu ini hanya untuk kalangan tertentu yang mempunyai perjuangan gudang anggur ataupun seorang kolektor anggur. Jeroboam merupakan jadwal management digital, dimana dengan adanya pertolongan dari software ini anda sanggup dengan gampang untuk menciptakan catatan dari koleksi anggur anda menyerupai : tahun pembuatan, asa permintaan anggur, warna anggur, kawasan atau negara produksi, tahun dikomsumsi, ukuran botol, harga dan lain sebagainya.

Jeroboam manages your wine cellar with stock functions as adding new wines, update, exit wines consumed. A wine declaration contains : The colour (white, rose, red), the country of production, the region of production, the appellation or name, the name of the domain or chateau, the producer, the vintage, some medals, the quantity in cellar, the date acquired, the unit price, the year of maturity, the size of the bottle, your comments, your opinion, the location in the cellar.

Jeroboam helps you in pairing dishes and wines. It gives you a list of wines which can be associated with a dish and the serving temperature. From the choice of a dish, it shows you a list of wines which can be associated.
This database can be added with your personal information and taste using the management function It is possible to filter the dishes by : Starters, main courses, cheeses, desserts. You can limit the filter to wines on appellations contained in your cellar.

Jeroboam helps you to choose a wine and how to serve it. It gives you a list of dishes which can be associated with it and the temperature to serve it. It gives also the best vintages of a wine. It is possible to filter wines on appellations present in the cellar.

Jeroboam keeps information on the wines consumed. You can record your appreciation, the date consumed, your guests and your opinion. You can search wines consumed on the following criteria's :

* A string.
* The appellation.
* Date consumed.
* The colour of wines.

Jeroboam keeps information on the wines you purchased. You can search wines purchased on the following criteria's :

* A string.
* The appellation.
* Date consumed.
* The colour of wines.

Jeroboam can maintain the wines database in adding new appellations and the features (serving temperature, aging , pairing the dishes and marking best vintages). it is also possible to manage the following databases :

* Bottle sizes.
* Appreciations.
* Country names.
* Domains names.
* Colours of wines.


Windows Vista | 7 | 8 | 10
All version 32 - 64 Bit

Size : 17 MB


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