Starresoft Ez Inventory 2.87 Network Edition

Starre EZ Inventory ialah jadwal sederhana yang berfungsi untuk menciptakan proses pelacakan dan mengendalikan inventaris anda dengan cepat dan mudah. Ada banyak fitur yang menyederhanakan seluruh proses pelacakan dan pengendalian persediaan barang bisnis anda. Database berfungsi penuh untuk menyimpan data item, data vendor, data pelanggan dan banyak lagi data yang lainnya. Ini mungkin salah satu jadwal control inventory termudah di pasaran ketika ini.

Starresoft EZ Inventory is a simple yet powerful application jadwal used to make the process of tracking and controlling your inventory fast and easy. There are many features that simplify the whole process of tracking and controlling inventory. There is a fully functional database that stores your created items, vendors, and many more sets of data. It is probably one of the easiest inventory control pieces of software on the market today.

Here is a list of some of the features that are included in this award winning software package, along with a few pics of the system interface. We hope you all enjoy it and find it as useful as we do.

Assembly items.
Unlimited vendors.
Unlimited customer.
Physical inventory module.
Ship and receive items fast.
Stock status report/preview.
Item transaction report/preview.
Unlimited inventory item records.
Barcode scanning for shipping and receiving.
Add vendors/customers and types on the fly.
Transaction records for easy printing/tracking.
Don't use complicated programs when all you want to do is track your inventory.


Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 10
All version 32 - 64 Bit

Size : 8 MB

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