Chaos Time

Chaos Time merupakan kegiatan yang hampir mirip dengan Chaos Intellect yang pernah aku share beberapa waktu yang lalu. Chaos Time merupakan kegiatan management langsung yang sanggup anda andalkan untuk mengatur dan mencatat aneka macam event-event penting maupun kiprah langsung lainnya. Semua isu contact dan email sanggup anda simpan dalam satu database yang aman.

Time and Chaos is our award winning contact manager and has been around now for almost twenty five years!! Our longevity is due to our mix of an easy to use but powerful address book of contacts, appointment schedule, to do task management and projects. Time and Chaos is a great choice if you need all the contact management but not the email features added to Intellect. Time and Chaos works great for individuals or shared workgroups on networks.


Windows 7 | 8 | 10
All version 32 - 64 Bit

Size : 10 MB


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